Global Network

REFA is at your service in around 20 countries either through our own representations or through selected partners. Take advantage of our global network and contact them directly.

  • REFA Austria

    REFA Austria

    REFA Austria uses the methods and experiences of the REFA core competencies for market-oriented consulting services for the analysis and design of processes to improved productivity and operational efficiency. In addition, a number of internationally proven REFA seminars are offered.

  • REFA Switzerland

    REFA Switzerland

    REFA Suisse GmbH offers a range of client-oriented consulting services together with seminar program tailor made to the needs of the Swiss economy, addressing the particular needs of more than 15 000 industrial and service companies.

  • REFA Cooperation Partners

    REFA Cooperation Partners

    Moreover REFA is available in other countries through selected cooperation partners. Take advantage of our global network and contact them directly.

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um ein einheitliches und unkompliziertes Lesen zu gewährleisten. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir alle Geschlechter an.