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International Know-How.

Seminars and Trainings

Global Training Solutions - Tailor-Made for You

Wherever your locations are in this world, it is important to maintain efficient communication and consistent process improvement, companywide and across national borders. Standards are needed both in terminology, methods as well as applied tools. Utilize REFA’s global network to deliver training solutions and certification tailor-made to your specific needs, where, when and how much you want.

Our topseller

From our entire range of training products we have put together those topics that are in particularly high demand. Maybe you get inspired to start a new training project tailor made to suit your individually needs.

Client Testimonials and references

Testimonials and references show us how our clients see us and the value generated by our seminars. See why we look proud into the mirror.


Satisfied customers are the best reference for us - not only worldwide, but also across industries. Convince yourself with this small selection of references.

It's tailoring that counts

Seminars, designed together with you our clients and delivered at your site convince through high efficiency and therefore are increasingly in demand. Here is a selection of in-house seminars carried out in recent weeks.

Can we get some more

Qualification is an important milestone. With some change projects it’s the external specialist that brings the final breakthrough. External experience and objectivity can breach cross-functional boundaries. The specialists of REFA-Consulting are at your service in word and deed.

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64295 Darmstadt, Germany
Fon +49 (0)6151 8801-0
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REFA International