Online-Training: Lean Management
Lean Management is a philosophy representing change in the sense of "creating value without waste" based on the process principles of tact, flow, pull and perfection. The consistent involvement of all employees in the active design of their working environment is a crucial element.
Furthermore, Lean Management includes a bundle of principles and methods to plan, design and control the entire value chain.
A company acting according to these principles focuses on the essentials, the internal and external customer requirements, and uses less of everything - less time and fewer resources.
Lean Management capitalises on using the methods, the physical skills and the know-how of all employees, their participation and their development and on the change process led by the management.
Target Audience
General Managers, plant managers, managers and specialists from production, production-related areas and administration.
- You understand the fundamentals of Lean Management
- You recognise potential savings and prevent waste
- You will make a decisive contribution to increasing efficiency in your company
Training Contents
Basic questions Lean Management answers:
- What are the 9 types of waste?
- How to create value without waste?
- How to develop production systems from push to pull?
- What does KAIZEN mean?
- What are the basics of KAIZEN?
- What is the difference between point-, flow- and system-KAIZEN?
- What are the basics of the 5S-method?
- What does standardised work mean?
- Where can these methods be applied within the company?
The role of humans in Lean Management
- How to lead a change process?
- How to involve all employees in the change process?
- What is essential knowledge for the person responsible to implement a change process?
- How do autonomous actions influence the implementation process?
- How to create a spirit of optimism and a common understanding in the change process?
Online lecture, practical exercises/simulations and case studies, group work, discussion and exchange of experiences
At the end you will receive a certificate of successful participation in the training “Lean Management – Basics”.
4 days / 12 lessons in total
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