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Online-Training: Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Online-Training

Value Stream Mapping is a standardised method used in the Lean Management philosophy to design entire processes in a visual presentation. With the visualisation of the value stream it is possible to identify the different types of waste. Identifying waste in processes is key to its elimination which in turn results in the continuous improvement of the value stream.

Value Stream Mapping depicts the flow of all process steps in production and is an indispensable tool for the optimisation of all process steps the customer is willing to pay for.

Target Audience

General Managers, plant managers, managers and specialists from production, production-related areas.


  • You are able to design and read value streams
  • You are able to optimise value streams from supplier to customer
  • You are able to analyse an actual value stream
  • You are able to develop a target value stream

Training Contents

  • What does “Value Stream Mapping” involve?
  • Identifying requirements for the implementation of Value Stream Mapping.
  • Analysis of the actual value stream.
  • Which types of waste does the value stream design highlight?
  • Development of the target value stream.
  • How to align the company’s value stream with the customer’s requirements.


Online lecture, practical exercises/simulation and case studies, group work, discussion and exchange of experiences


At the end you will receive a certificate of successful participation in the training “Value Stream Mapping”.

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{{ }}

{{ convertDate(selectedDateData.date_start) }} {{ selectedDateData.location }}
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Art. No. {{ seminarData.basic_data.product_number }}/{{ selectedDateData.seminar_number }}
{{ createName(participant.salutation,participant.title,participant.firstname,participant.lastname) }}
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{{ invoiceData.type }}
{{ createName(invoiceData.salutation,invoiceData.title,invoiceData.firstname,invoiceData.lastname) }}
{{ }}
{{ invoiceData.company2 }}
{{ invoiceData.department }}
{{ invoiceData.street }}
{{ }} {{ }}
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{{ seminarData.basic_data.price }} € excl. VAT
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